Experience Glory - Your Premier Wedding Planning Experience

The Freedom to Bring Your Wedding Vision to Life

We believe that every bride should have the freedom and flexibility to plan their own wedding. Most brides prefer to involve their families and loved ones in the planning process, adding a personal touch to the event. With Experience Glory, you can have the best of both worlds - the joy of planning your own wedding while relying on an experienced planner for guidance and assistance when needed. Whether you need assistance with vendor selection, venue contracts, or timeline management, your planner will be there to ensure that every detail is taken care of.

The Prestige Planning Package: Customize Your Planning Journey

At Experience Glory, we understand that every wedding is unique and should reflect the personality and vision of the couple. That's why we offer our Prestige Planning Package that allows brides to take the lead in planning their special day, while still benefiting from the guidance and expertise of a professional wedding planner.

The Glory Guide: Your Comprehensive Planning Resource

With Experience Glory's Bridal planner, brides can confidently plan their own event knowing they won't miss a single detail. Our exclusive planner is designed to provide you with all the essential knowledge and tips, ensuring that your wedding day is perfect in every way. From the early stages of the planning process to the final touches, our Bridal Handbook has got you covered.

Services & Pricing

Precious Planning

Month of Wedding Planning


Prestige Planning

Partial Wedding Planning


The Perfectionist

Full Service Wedding Planning


Hi, My name is Rachele and I would love to help you plan an amazing wedding!

Serving Houston Texas and South Florida



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